There is a 94% chance that your computer has registry problems, but spending just 2 minutes with Unieblue’s Registry Booster Version 2 can save you months of frustrations and errors.
When it comes to optimizing a PC, most users are unaware about the existence of the Windows Registry or what role it plays in the functioning of a computer. If there is one thing a user should know about the registry, it is that the registry is an essential component to the smooth performance of a computer.
Uniblue’s Registry Booster is a comprehensive package of features designed to identify and repair registry errors as well as enhancing system performance. With Registry Booster, you can expect to scan and repair obsolete shared DLLs, unused entries, undesired browser objects, orphaned software paths, as well as many other inefficiencies. Most notably, Registry Booster is also able to defragment, automatically backup registry files, and restore to a previous backup point.Download